Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Alter Ego

You’re fake you’re a sham am I to believe you’re the great I am?

You let me hurt you make me cry with you I’m always asking the question why

Why’d they have to die, why’d they walk away, why is there always hurt, is this a price I have to pay?

Are you angry, don’t you care, why why why are you even there?

So I trust in you, just to get my trust shattered, I give you my heart; my all, just to have it battered?

Dreams crushed, hopes flushed, my opinions crushed, everything I held: trashed.

Forget you then, forget you all, I can live life alone, I don’t need you to stand tall.

All I once held dear-money, sex, drugs, drink-are all my backup plan, see I don’t need you to think.

Im a big girl, who evidently doesn’t serve a big God, Im the master of my own life, I can be my own lord.


I just wanna curl up in bed & die, I wanna stay in bed & cry, even as I ask the questions why, I know deep down my own answers are a lie.

A lie from the devil a lie from the world, telling me I can do all things through me who strengthens me, they’ve become my “kino’s pearl”

My destruction, my hurt, my bubble buster, its [all] tearing me apart.
All I held dear-drugs, sex, drink, money, are all useless, pointless, kinda like bitter honey.

I just want out-aren’t you the way
I seek answers-aren’t you the truth
I need to breathe again-aren’t you life, risen from death to rid me my shame, took on my stripes so I feel no pain, lost it all so I could gain, am I crazy for rejecting you, I must be insane, I need that peace that surpasses it ALL once again.


  1. AAAAAWESOOOOOOME! And He will provide that peace.

  2. .... i pray your :-( .... will soon be :-)....

  3. thanks Laka...more to come,keep following
    Joe..it will. there's always reason to smile:-)
