Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Their promise was the promised land,
amidst it all-they saw his hand.
Delivered from slavery;bondage,
sustained miraculously until ol9d age.
Pillar by night, cloud by day,
Red sea parted to give them way.
Manna from heaven, water from a rock;
all these accounts they took into stock.
HOW! from their destiny were they left out?
Unbelief:incredulity;skepticism:simply, doubt.

What made them weep and shake their heads?
What made them cry over the risen "dead?
Throughout his ministry they were told,
YET-when it happened they weren't sold.
Before them were the women who had seen,
the angels, rolled away stone, the tomb-clean.
They turned away and closed their eyes,
unable to believe what they thought was lies.
What made them harden their hearts to truth?
Unbelief: the need for visible proof.

What's made me hang up the gloves;give up the good fight?
What's blinding my vision_can't see the light?
Anger, frustration, hurt all the time,
Red, yellow, green:please give me a sign.
Like the Israelites, I disobey,
like the disciples, I cannot say,
Why I shake my head;I cannot perceive,
What it would take to make me believe.
Unbelief:the rule I live by
yet, dissatisfied, I still need an answer to my 'why'.

It's harder now, than I thought it would be,
the act of disregarding all that which made me.
This life of questions;silent answers,
Speak, blow, whistle? Ah,what are the chances?
Groping in the dark, all in the name of His will,
Hidden, mystified; how am I expected to be still?
When all around me storm winds blow,
Unfair; to take all that which life throws.
If I believe, why can't I simply believe?
Unbelief: the need to see inorder to receive.

Lord I believe, Help my unbelief,
I want to hold on to Word,arrest the thief,
I let you be my ruler_head chief,
"Here, take my burdens," I'd say in relief,
Whether, like the disciples, filled with grief,
Or, like the Israelites, my faith is brief,
I won't keep my ship stuck on the reef,
but sail to my destination;flourish like a guinness record leaf.
Still,like the Israelites_I disobey,
Like the disciples, I cannot say.


  1. I like the thought that was put into this piece. God bless you Gath!

  2. :-))

    Thankyou!! It's for seeking and seeking till I find Him :-))
